This interpretation has found quite a following among scholars. Browse more videos. Photograph: Alison Frantz Collection AT 366, courtesy American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Dedication of Nikandre: Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia [home, info] Words similar to dedication of nikandre Usage examples for dedication of nikandre Words that often appear near dedication of nikandre Rhymes of dedication of nikandre Invented words related to dedication of nikandre: Search for dedication of nikandre on Google or Wikipedia. This article is within the scope of WikiProject Classical Greece and Rome, a group of contributors interested in Wikipedia's articles on classics.If you would like to join the WikiProject or learn how to contribute, please see our project page.If you need assistance from a classicist, please see our talk page. War geprgt von lebensgroen Skulpturen, deren Ursprnge mehrere Wissenschaftler auf die griechische kulturelle Interaktion mit gypten und Mesopotamien zurckfhren. Through an evaluation of the historical, ethnic, and psychological context of scholarly criticisms of the statue, Donohue illustrates how the reception of Nikandre's dedication today should not necessarily build on previous descriptions, which have often scorned the flat nature of the work and the heavy dress as poor craftsmanship. Dedication of Nikandre. Yet the inscription states nothing of Nikandres own feats. Die griechische Monumentalzeit (660650 v. Photograph: after E. Loewy, tr. Nikandre, the excellent daughter of Deinodikos of Naxos, sister of Deinomenes, now wife of Phraxos, dedicated me to the far-shooter, the pourer of arrows. The inscription confirms that the statue is a dedication to Artemis--the goddess is easily identified by the two archery-epithets. The Daedalic style, exhibited by followers of the mythological inventor Daedalus (the so-called Daidalidai, such as Endios, The Dedication of Nikandre is a Greek marble sculpture, made approximately around 650 BCE, held in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greece (Inv. One of the major controversies regarding Nikandre's dedication revolves around its placement within preexisting categories of Greek sculpture, specifically the Daedalic style in the 7th century BCE and the Greek Monumental Period that followed. Dedication of Nikandre, Athens, National Museum 1,back. Archaic Greek Sculpture Background The kore known as the Dedication of Nikandre is probably the oldest to survive. The Nikandre is known as a kore statue, named from the ancient Greek word for girl or maiden. also Lazzarini no. Im Gegensatz dazu argumentiert Donohue, dass die schwere Kleidung und Haltung der Figur die Seriositt und Statur der Frau in ihrer Gesellschaft vermitteln sollten. Donohue holds that the "objective" description of archaeological objects has been anything but. Fr die meisten Korai ist die vorherrschende Annahme, dass sie Persephone darstellen , aber sie knnten jede Gttin darstellen, die in dem Heiligtum verehrt wurde, in dem die Statuen geweiht wurden, einschlielich Artemis , Hera , Athena , Demeter und sogar Nymphen . 726, for a mid-sixth century dedication of an agalma on Paros (to Artemis) by Telestodike, who calls herself mother of Asphalios and A. Donohue gezeigt, dass die meisten Wissenschaftler Nikandres Engagement historisch negativ beschrieben haben. J. Fothergill, The Rendering of Nature in Early Greek Art (London, 1907)g.22. nude youth, part of a kithara. Of Archaeological objects has been rated as C-Class on the project 's quality scale Statue. `` objektive '' Beschreibung archologischer Objekte alles andere als gut war dedication of nikandre archologischer! 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