-#4) One might keep the sequence post-nominals because it matters within the family. L etters after your name (post nominals). II implies that the person he was named for was not his father. What is the correct order? It matters less that the editor doesnt like the style . Some might say that II is better, but I see a conflict with Junior. The Dad already has an older son and he named Jr.. I have a son named him after his Dad. Business cards are the commonest place to use them, if the conventions of your industry subscribe, eg academia. George Foreman, III My brother did that But if a father was famous a son may keep using Jr. for clarity: Frank Sinatra, Jr.; Martin Luther King, Jr.; Al Gore, Jr. Post nominals are letters placed after a persons name to indicate education qualifications, title of office, and honours. 12 Careers for Zoology Graduates. its not a matter of pride its a matter of where post nominals are used, and that is only in formal situations. Post-nominal letters are typically included on resumes and CVs, LinkedIn profiles and are increasingly being included in email signatures. -#2) When can you use it? Being qualified, and having an education is important. : In an academic journal it would be pertinent. I think you should consider limiting it only to Jr., Sr. and III. --George Foreman, IV Robert Hickey- How to Use Post-Nominal Abbreviations, I have a son named him after his Dad. its the same as you dont put your post nominals at the top of your CV after your name. its the same as you dont put your post nominals at the top of your CV after your name. People change their Go-By Name names and as long as you pay your bills no one really cares. If you think two are equal, put them in alphabetical order. Yes you can do MBBS after your B.SC provided you have had botany zoology chemistry and physics as your subjects. as well. What field recognizes these degrees to be of value? I have searched without success as to how to abbreviate: Doctorate in Education Administration which I have just recently completed. --Mrs. Donna Terry, Jr. SequenceHow to Use Post-Nominal Abbreviations, My son is Walter C. Wentz IV. It defines your role, functions and services. RR. George Foreman, V Do you put post nominals on a CV? E.g., Physicians include M.D./D.O./etc. If the husband is Mr. William Terry, Jr. when does the Junior go with a wifes name? -#2) Include the pertinent post-nominals [degrees, licenses, certifications] that support the service/skill you offer. Once your degree is noted on your transcript you officially have the degree. The lowest-paid 10 percent of Zoologists earn less than $39,150 annually, while the highest-paid 10 percent earn more than $98,540 annually. Purpose of procedures. For forms of address for invitations, place cards, name badges, introductions, conversation, and all other formal uses, see Honor & Respect: the Official Guide to Names, Titles, and Forms of Address. ---- RR How to Use Junior II III IV, I understand that heavy-weight boxing champion George Foreman named five his sons: An example is Microsofts Bill Gates, who is really William H. Gates, Jr., but never used the Jr. His father, born William H. Gates uses William H. Gates, Sr. It doesnt have to be instantly recognizable to everyone on the planet. chemistry, physics, mathematics etc.) So, an on-line, free degree may be valuable for personal growth and of the most pertinence in cyberspace. Wesley P. and Patricia D. Ames II Mentioned the different forms. official you seek included or your question answered send me an e-mail service! 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