Jorge is the author of Building a Sencha Touch Application, How to Build a jQuery Mobile Application, and the Ext JS 3.0 Cookbook. If options relevant to the legacy JSB-based build (--deploy-dir, --nocompress, --project-file) are specified, it will redirect its execution to the sencha legacybuild command. Sencha Touch helps in doing so with ease as it provide a number of build libraries to choose from, based on the development or production code along with the facility to create a custom build. Sencha Touch is a HTML5 framework so naturally the canvas element is a perfect fit for it. If you do not have an app yet, or, do not know how to create one, check out the Getting Started guide. Note: You can use the sencha app build [-run] native build commands with Cordova or PhoneGap if you first initialize these features with either the sencha cordova init or sencha phonegap init commands. Internally, the sencha app build command does basic validation and calls in to the Apache Ant build script found in "build.xml" at the root of the application. Useful for continuous integration builds where the build may be run once, then packaged multiple times, for example. Today's demand for a web application is to develop a fast application with less development efforts. Sencha Touch is a combination of three frameworks ExtJs, JqTouch, and Raphael (vector This build is used while developing the application locally. It can be used by Web developers to develop user interfaces for mobile web applications that look and feel like native applications on supported mobile devices. Plus theyll run just lovely on your Custom build does not load all the touch files. I'm a sencha touch new developer,there is a problem confusing me for two weeks!! I am going to talk about how to set-up the Development Environment and Build process to get you ready on Sencha Touch. Only sencha-touch-debug.js has this activated by default, Minified: Indicates that the build has been compressed with a YUI (Yahoo user interface) compressor, Comments: Indicates that the build still contains the JSDoc comments (these are usually stripped in production to speed up downloads), Debug: Indicates that the build provides debug messages, such as if you misconfigured a class, Compat: Indicates that the code provides backwards compatibility in the build with Sencha Touch 1.x, A custom build includes all of your app classes in a single file, which translates into a single network request, Determines framework classes your application uses, Loads application classes when your application starts, Combines all of classes into a single file, with the classes in the correct order, Strips out all of the JSDoc comments and minifies the file to be as small as possible, Builds the app and prepares a file called packager.temp.json that you can use to package an applicationthe packager.temp.json is the same as packager.json, but contains additional paths. Once the build is successful, it will generate all-classes.js file which we need to include in our index.html to make it production ready. We are able to build/compile the Sencha application by Sencha Cmd and we would need to integrate the Sencha Cmd with TFS build process so that TFS build can wait for moment when Sencha Build This allows multiple pages to share this configuration. Sencha Touch is a Javascript Framework used for building high performance cross platform mobile apps. With the above mentioned builds, Sencha Touch provides a facility to create custom builds. And easily maintainable search for jobs related to Sencha Touch is a interface. As well as Sencha ExtJS application source code in TFS/VCS the time to load as well as ExtReact Used to create a Sencha Touch and build awesome mobile web multiple packager.json (! 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